Meet Our Instructors

Joey Foss
A lifelong fan of martial arts films, Joey began his own journey as a child of ten. Training was much harder than watching a movie, but he discovered the value of hard work, starting with Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan and reaching 1st dan as a teenager. He has also trained Tae Kwon Do, participated in the SCA (armored European fencing) as well as having explored yoga and other systems. After joining Shaolin Institute in 2018, he became part of the leadership & demonstration teams, including performing the lion dance. He enjoys the subtle and tough kung fu curriculum and hopes to promote compassionate wellbeing and the knowledge of self-defense. He has been so dedicated to Kungfu learning and sharing with other Kung Fu brothers and sisters without being stopped a day during the pandemic. He has participated in a few fighting events and won a silver medal.

James Flannery
James Flannery has been with the Shaolin Institute since 2016. He has a love of the martial arts, philosophy, and medicine since childhood. At the institute, he has been studying Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Sanda/Sanshou. He has been performing and captaining the SWAT performance team. He instructs Kung Fu, Sanda, and self-defense at the institute, sharing his knowledge, care, and proficiency with the students. He has participated a few Sand kickboxing events and won a gold medal.

Drew McMahan
Drew has been training in kickboxing for over 10 years and fell in love with Sanshou at the age of 27 when he met Shifu. He participated in multiple competitions, eventually winning my division in KSF at 30. He also coached fighters successfully before joining the Marine Corps. He also have a cross training background in wrestling and jiu jitsu.

Whanstachanah Kanyon
Whanstachanah Kanyon has been one of the most dedicated students of Shifu DeRu since 2016. He has a fondness of the internal arts for over 30 years. He entered the Tai Chi program in 2016, and is now one of the instructors for the Atlanta campus at the Shaolin Institute.