Kickboxing Fitness
Classes in Atlanta
Action Packed 800 Calorie Kickboxing Workout in Atlanta!
Get Fit & Look Great!

Fitness Kickboxing for women!
This class is fairly intense session of high energy, multi-calorie burning class with total body conditioning. It is for anyone who wants to gain a high level of fitness, get in great shape and learn martial arts. Fitness Kickboxing and conditioning teaches the fundamentals of martial arts hands techniques (including boxing) and kick techniques as well as some floor work conditioning. This class is designed not only for burning calories, but also is an excellent strength conditioning, building lean muscle, toning & conditioning your entire body, increases flexibility, and teaches self-defense skills! Experience what the great energy is all about! (Gloves required).
It takes 3-6 months for this program to be completed. Fitness Kickboxing with calisthenics is to aim at the body toning and firming. Many women are turning to kickboxing to tone their legs and body. Women have only recently started to get into kickboxing as it has largely been seen as a male dominated arena. Women are now actively joining kickboxing classes and loving it.
Self Defense Techniques

Extreme Fitness Kickboxing and Conditioning
Floor work includes strengthening the abs, arms, chest, waist and legs while using focus mitt and pads. High level of circuit cardio and muscle endurance training leads students to extreme shape. This training will definitely bring your heart rate up! Experience the most popular fitness workout burning calories in mass amounts while you develop kickboxing technique and self-defense skills, training like a fighter! This will be for higher level of experience and conditioning background.
With Fitness Kickboxing you will acheive the following
Awesome fitness
Increased strength
Increased confidence through knowing self defense and working with people
Toned arms / Sculptured biceps and triceps
A well-defined back and chest
Firm legs, glutes and thighss
A flat, sexy washboard stomach
Faster weight loss
Explosive power
Better balance